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Ομάδα δράσης για την κλιματική αλλαγή

Action group for the climate change

Climate change is here
But so are we!

Καθαρίζουμε το ρέμα της Μικρολίμνης


A voluntary action to clean up the beautiful stream of Mikrolimni, where a large amount of household objects were recently dumped.

Θεατρικό εργαστήρι με τη Μαρία Μουστάκα

Theatrical workshop with Maria Moustaka

This autumn we open our doors to art by organising a theatre workshop in our public library!

Ο νερόμυλος του Αγίου Γερμανού

Watermill of Agios Germanos

Read here the story of its reconstruction, which unfolded over the past 27 years and proves that perseverance and good collaborations always yield positive results.

Ερωτηματολόγιο για την χρήση του νέου γυμναστηρίου

Questionnaire for the use of the new gymnasium

Help us improve the facilities and operations by completing the questionnaire!

Διήμερο εκδηλώσεων από τους Συλλόγους Γονέων

Two days of events by the Parents' Associations

Stand-up comedy, party, theatrical performance in the village of Laimos

Αθλητικές δραστηριότητες για παιδιά!

Sports activities for children!

A five-day sports events & games in Prespa in cooperation with the Dutch Gymnastics Academy

Χριστούγεννα στη βιβλιοθήκη

Christmas in the library

For Christmas, we have selected the most interesting proposals and present them to you to choose the one that seems most suitable for our children!